Why do you charge less for your website subscription than for subscription providing the access from all mobile devices? The content is the same, isn’t it?

We do our best to provide our customers with a feed in the most genuine and convenient way. That’s why we form the layouts for each platform separately, and each of the platforms is curated by our editors. Besides, we made a decision to get rid of any ads on mobile devices to improve user experience. This is the reason unlimited subscription costs more.

I’m interested in consulting services of the Stick Feed, how can I find out about pricing?

We practice a unique approach to every client and don’t offer any standard pricing tables. You should get in touch with our consulting division (Contact information). After a short interview, they will be able to make you an individual offer and present your rate.

I can’t find your new book anywhere! How can I get it?

The of interest to «Death and Taxe» overwhelmed all our forcats, and the first edition of the book was sold out within 48 hours since release. Right now we can’t tell for sure when the book will return to the store shelves, but we do everything possible to make it happen as soon as possible. Besides, you can purchase an e-book version on Amazon whenever you like. We hope this format can satisfy you.